NDSoR: Reaching All Learners ASYNCHRONOUS, ONLINE MODULES • Understanding Effective Literacy Instruction & Structured Literacy • Elements of Structured Literacy: Word Recognition • Elements of Structured Literacy: Comprehension Targeted Audience: K-3 Teachers & Principals, Reading,
VCSU + Bennett Elementary Literacy Partnership with a picture of a sign that says office of Mrs. Remark and Mrs. Oberg
PD, Programs, and Services: Customized Professional Learning - Ellendale
reading corps impact story, meet solveig, pictures of solveig with flowers and her family
Picture of a dog with the text "Meet Kota, LaMoure's New Comfort Dog!
coaches corner banner November coach: Dr. Ryan Lyson SEEC school improvement and math specialist with a picture of ryan lyson on a yellow background
collage of students playing farm simulator including driving a combine and working with animals. Includes the text Innovation at Griggs County Central
multiple pictures of principles talking with two books about the anxious generation
congratulatoins Northern Cass School District with picture of mascot, a jaguar
Graph of Benchmark Assessment Average First & Last Scores (% correct) by grade. The graph indicates that Math Corps helped students in grades K-3 improve their math scores from the first score to the last
educators participating in a learning activity with balloons
group of educators working together around a table
John Porter
cyber madness highschool tournament 2024 with a small robot cartoon