College & Career Planning

What is College & Career Readiness?

The skills needed in the United State go beyond reading, mathematics and science. Educators are taking a holistic view of 21st Century teaching and learning that combines a discrete focus on 21st Century student outcomes, such as a blending of specific skills, content knowledge and expertise with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them in the 21st Century.

College and career ready means students have a Foundation for Success including a broad base of knowledge, are prepared and ready for both college level coursework and to learn job specific skills in the workplace.

Four types of readiness:

  1. Work Ready: Meets basic expectations regarding workplace behavior ad demeanor

  2. Job Trained: Possesses specific knowledge necessary to begin an entry-level position

  3. Career Ready: Possesses sufficient foundational knowledge and skill along with general learning strategies necessary to begin studies in a career path

  4. College Ready: Prepared to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing general education college courses