Afterschool Trainings
ND Quality Standards for Out-of-School Time Programs
Contacts: Kristin Knorr | Email Kristin Knorr & Lindy Caro | Email Lindy Caro
The ND Quality Standards for Out-of-School Time Programs were developed by a wide variety of stakeholders and contain indicators of best practices for any afterschool or summer learning program across the state. The standards contain four quality domains: Health and Safety, Relationships and Interactions, Youth-Centered Program Design, and Leadership and Management. Each quality indicator has examples of evidence and a self-assessment rating to support your continuous quality improvement efforts. The ND Afterschool Network can conduct a facilitated self-assessment process virtually or in-person, assist with goal setting, provide resources or training to help achieve goals, and technical assistance and coaching framed by the standards upon request. Access to standards and resources, including a User Guide, at:
ND Afterschool Network Quality Standards/
On-Demand Trainings for Out-of-School Time Educators
Facilitator/Contact: Kristin Knorr | Email Kristin Knorr
The ND Afterschool Network offers access to an online learning platform with a wide variety of school-age afterschool specific courses. The platform may be available at no cost to afterschool programs serving youth ages 5 – 18 across the state and can be accessed by contacting the Network.
Afterschool Program Start-Up Toolkit
Facilitator/Contact: Kristin Knorr | Email Kristin Knorr
The ND Afterschool Network developed an Afterschool Program Start-up Toolkit to help guide new and emerging out-of-school time programs across the state. The toolkit contains guidance for serving youth ages 5 – 18, including information around school-age childcare licensing, license exempt settings, funding options, staffing models, and the elements to establish a strong foundation leading to sustainability. The ND Afterschool Network is available to provide guidance, facilitate discussions, and technical assistance around program start-up.