"I feel like I have learned a lot, been given ample amounts of resources, examples, websites, handouts - all of which I keep near when planning and preparing (and have shared with other teachers in my school." - Elementary Teacher - William S. Gussner, Jamestown
"Thank you for this experience. I love the thought process involved and how this helps me have a clear picture and plan. I will definitely use this often next year." - Anonymous
"I thought the training session was a great use of time, especially being able to chat with and learn from others who are in a similar position that I am." - Secondary Teacher - Ellendale
"I learned different ways of communicating with parents - some of which I have never thought of and discovered some really great ideas I wish to implement in the future! " - Anonymous
Additional coaching is available for our beginning teachers. Please contact Danette Brown for pricing models.
Beginning Teacher Network
SEEC's Beginning Teacher Network (BTN) will be designed to support ongoing professional development offerings to new educators, providing them opportunities throughout the year to enhance classroom practices. The program will seek to provide first-year educators with experiences to engage in dialogue, seek support and guidance, and reflect on strategies and skills to build upon and improve instruction. Our network will strive to meet every teacher where they are and work with them to build on their skills and day-to-day successes in the classroom.
BTN will provide support in three targeted areas: Classroom Management; Effective Teaching Practices; and Content-Specific PLC Support Sessions. Through the networking opportunities, educators will build trust and support, inspire creative thinking, gain access to resources, ides, and supports and more all to enhance their classroom practices and create rich and meaningful experiences for the students they serve. To register for the Beginning Teacher Network, click here!
NDRISE works to build the capacity of teacher leaders to develop a system of support for effective teachers in every school in our state. They offer a statewide structured mentoring program aimed at supporting beginning teachers to be more effective in the classroom, more confident in their classroom management, more satisfied with their career choice, and increases their retention in the teaching field.
There is no cost for schools or districts. This is a program that is supported by state and federal funding to be able to offer equitable support to all beginning teachers in our state. Additionally trained mentors from the district receive: a leadership opportunity, professional training, and a stipend each semester for completed requirements.
First and second-year teachers engage in one-on-one conferencing (15 hours/semester), observations (4 times/semester), and observe other educators (6 hours/fall semester & 3 hours/spring semester) as part of the requirements. To learn more or to enroll a first or second-year educator in your system, head to Welcome to ND RISE | North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board.