Effective Instruction Trainings

Beginning Teacher Network

Facilitator/Contact: Danette Brown | Email Danette Brown

  • Grade Level: K-6 (elementary) or 6-12 (secondary)

  • 1st Year, New-to-the-Profession Teachers

New educators: join us for an opportunity to enhance classroom practices and build community with other new educators. The network meetings will provide face-to-face and virtual forums for discussing topics that arise from the teacher’s day-to-day practices. Classroom management, instructional strategies, engagement, assessment, and feedback supports will be provided to support teachers in their practices and work to improve the student experiences of learners in the classroom.

Standards-Based Professional Development

Facilitator/Contact: Danette Brown | Email Danette Brown

SEEC staff have a variety of professional learning opportunities that can fit right into your PD Day schedules during back-to-school days or scheduled in-services, early outs, PLCs, etc. Below are some items staff identified as potential options for districts to engage in surrounding standards-based teaching and learning practices.

  • Introduction to Standards

  • Prioritized Instructional Planning

  • Team-Based Prioritization (Social Studies)

  • Team-Based Scale Creation (Social Studies)

  • Using Scales in Classroom Instruction

  • Instructional Strategies to Support Level 2.0

  • Using Scales with Students

  • Content-specific PLCs

  • Standard and High-Quality Instructional Material Alignment

  • Standards-Based Learning for Exceptional Learners (Accommodations and Modifications to Scales)

  • Aligning Current Assessment to Match Scales

  • Vocabulary Instruction with Scales

  • Communicating Proficiencies to Stakeholders

  • Leading Standards-Based Learning in your District/Building

Series: Improving Academic Literacy

(1) - Student Engagement

Facilitator/Contact: Danette Brown | Email Danette Brown

One of our most important roles as educators is to create an environment where ALL students can learn and be successful. Engaging Students for High Quality Learning provides an opportunity to utilize the practice of microteaching and public practice as a vehicle to enhance teaching and learning by exploring implementation of student engagement strategies to create a classroom culture of “Everyone does Everything!”

Part 1: Intro & Making Learning Visible
"The Compelling Why" - Everyone Does Everything, 2-10 Rule

  • Understanding the rationale for and research behind student engagement

  • Evaluate practical, reasonable and doable strategies for student engagement

  • Create a plan for implementing student engagement strategies

Part 2: Strategies for Making Learning Visible:Embedded Learning Walks in Public Practitioners Rooms

  • Evaluate practical, reasonable and doable strategies for student engagement

  • Analyze implementation of various student engagement strategies observed

  • Apply strategies for providing meaningful feedback in writing and in speech to improve teaching and learning

  • Create a plan for implementing student engagement strategies

Part 3: Online eWalks

  • Analyze implementation of various student engagement strategies observed

  • Apply strategies for providing meaningful feedback in writing and in speech to improve teaching and learning

  • Create a plan for improving personal practice

(2) - Academic Vocabulary

Prerequisite: IAL - Student Engagement

Facilitator/Contact: Danette Brown | Email Danette Brown

Provides educators practical strategies for assisting students with connecting and using prioritized academic vocabulary. Microteaching and public practice are used as a vehicle to enhance teaching and learning by exploring implementation of strategies related to explicit instruction of academic vocabulary in a classroom culture of “Everyone Does Everything!”

Part 1: Seminar & Reflection/Review
Seminar: Explicit Vocabulary Instruction, Brick & Mortar Prioritization

  • Evaluate practical, reasonable, and doable strategies for explicit instruction of academic vocabulary

  • Create a plan for implementing strategies for explicit instruction of academic vocabulary

Part 2: Strategies for Explicit Vocabulary Instruction

  • Evaluate practical, reasonable and doable strategies for explicit instruction of academic vocabulary

  • Analyze implementation of various strategies for explicit instruction of academic vocabulary

  • Apply strategies for providing meaningful feedback in writing and in speech to improve teaching and learning

  • Create a plan for implementing strategies for explicit instruction of academic vocabulary

Part 3: Online eWalks

  • Analyze implementation of various student engagement strategies observed

  • Apply strategies for providing meaningful feedback in writing and in speech to improve teaching and learning

  • Create a plan for improving personal practice

(3) - Comprehension & Critical Thinking

Prerequisite: IAL - Academic Vocabulary

Facilitator/Contact: Danette Brown | Email Danette Brown

Provides educators practical strategies for supporting reading, speaking, listening, writing, and thinking into their classrooms to support their students becoming competent, skillful, and successful with academic literacy. Microteaching and public practice are used as a vehicle to enhance teaching and learning by exploring implementation of strategies in a classroom culture of “Everyone Does Everything!”

Part 1: Seminar & Reflection/Review: Knowledge Building and Processing

  • Analyze how student engagement and explicit vocabulary instruction support critical thinking and comprehension to improve teaching and learning.

  • Evaluate instructional practices surrounding declarative and procedural knowledge.

  • Analyze what it means to “teach” reading comprehension strategies.

  • Understand the importance of text complexity as it pertains to comprehension and the strategies teachers and students employ.

Part 2: Strategies for Explicit Critical Thinking & Comprehension Instruction

  • Evaluate practical, reasonable and doable strategies for explicit instruction of critical thinking and comprehension.

  • Analyze implementation of various strategies for explicit instruction of critical thinking and comprehension.

  • Apply strategies for providing meaningful feedback in writing and in speech to improve teaching and learning.

  • Create a plan for implementing strategies for reading comprehension and critical thinking

Part 3: Online eWalks

  • Analyze implementation of various explicit instruction for reading comprehension and critical thinking strategies observed.

  • Apply strategies for providing meaningful feedback in writing and in speech to improve teaching and learning.

  • Create a plan for improving personal practice.

Series: Features of Effective Math Instruction

Features of Effective Math Instruction Part 1

Facilitator/Contact: Ryan Lyson | Email Ryan Lyson

This workshop investigates the key features that lead to effective instruction and increased achievement in math. The features include:

  • Explicit Instruction with modeling

  • Multiple opportunities to practice and respond plus immediate and corrective feedback

  • Spiraling cumulative mixed review and procedural skill and fluency

  • Instructional Analysis of current math textbook using Textbook Effective Math Instruction Scoring Rubric

Features of Effective Math Instruction Part 2

Facilitator/Contact: Ryan Lyson | Email Ryan Lyson

Part 2 of the Features of Effective Math Instruction workshop is in development. This addition will focus on retrieval strategies focused on improving students’ retention of math content. The goal of the workshop will be to create a plan for implementing three main strategies that include the following: spaced practice over time, interleaving practice format, and practice test retrieval. This workshop focuses on the maintenance phase of learning and the latest research on retention practice that is more productive by strategically arranging problems for students to engage in recall.

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading & Spelling

LETRS for Teachers - Vol. 1 & Vol. 2

Facilitator/Contact: Kerri Whipple | Email Kerri Whipple

Provides teachers with the skills they need to master the fundamentals of reading instruction - phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, and language. Also approved and recommended by Dyslexia IDEA. LETRS® is a professional development that provides teachers with an understanding of scientifically-based best practices for instructional routines, activities, and approaches. LETRS® is NOT a reading program or a curriculum - instead it is KNOWLEDGE.

  • LETRS requirements for EACH Volume include completing four asynchronous online modules, attend four, one-hour synchronous professional learning community meetups, and attend four face-to-face sessions.
    Facilitator training available.

4 credits available per volume.

LETRS: Volumes 1 & 2 Facilitator Training

Facilitator/Contact: Erica Carney | Email Erica Carney

This training will provide participants with the skills, knowledge, and tools necessary to become a LETRS Facilitator. The Facilitator is an individual with a deep understanding of the content and a commitment to become an expert in the research-based theories of LETRS. This individual will facilitate face-to-face workshops aligned to each unit, facilitate Professional Learning Communities, answer questions from participants, and review participants’ online data to determine if gaps in conceptual understanding exist that need to be addressed in a
customized workshop.

2 credits available per volume.

Supporting Secondary Struggling Readers

Facilitator/Contact: Danette Brown | Email Danette Brown

This two-part learning series for 6-12 educators is designed to provide secondary educators with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to respond to student reading needs by matching appropriate instructional strategies at the secondary level.
Curriculum [What we teach] | Instruction [How we teach] | Assessment [Data needed to guide the process]


  • Identify and describe the 5 Big Ideas of Reading

  • Understand the scope and sequence of skills within each of the Big Ideas of Reading.

  • Analyze multiple instructional routines and materials designed to teach each of the Big Ideas of Reading.

  • Explain the continuous improvement cycle and the vital role of assessments within the cycle.

  • Explain the different purposes of assessments.

  • Evaluate current instructional, assessment, and intervention practices and explore ways to enhance them.

NDSoR: A Shared Responsibility

Facilitator/Contact: Erica Carney | Email Erica Carney

Audience: K-3 Teachers without direct reading assignments: PE, Art, Music, Library, etc
Featuring footage from ND classrooms highlighting implementation exemplars and includes the following content: Introduction to SoR, Systematic, Explicit Instruction, the 5 Big Ideas of Reading, and Data-Informed Decisions (MTSS). Intermittent checks for understanding support participants in knowledge acquisition.

NDSoR: Reaching All Learners

Facilitator/Contact: Erica Carney | Email Erica Carney

In-depth professional development offering available through a Learning Management System. The course will consist of several modules plus additional implementation supports including a community of practice (CoP), fidelity tools, and a coaching protocol available to schools.Facilitator training available.

1 credit available.

NDSoR: Accelerating Skilled Disciplinary Writers

Facilitator/Contact: Kerri Whipple | Email Kerri Whipple

This course will provide participants with a framework for writing instruction that can be used in all grade levels and content areas, including elementary and middle/high school content area educators.

2 credits available.