EL Access Norms Workshops
This 4-hour workshop assists Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and leadership teams to make more equitable decisions for EL students through a recently developed EL Access Norms Application. The application contains information that schools can use to determine reasonable expectations for EL student academic achievement performance when comparing ELs to other ELs.
Contact Kerri Whipple at Email Kerri Whipple or click here for more information.
Participant Feedback - EL Handbook Workshop Day 2020
"Once again it was amazing. Kerri is a fountain of information and SEEC always puts on great training."
"It's always nice to get together with other EL teachers in the state and to discuss the new things that are happening in our field."
"This was a very helpful day with a good balance of helpful information and time to work."