Health & Wellness Trainings

Active Recess

Facilitator: Dr. Jenny Linker, Dr. Kristen Ford | SchoolsAlive!
Contact: Keely Ihry |
Email Keely Ihry

  • Grade Level: K-12 (Anyone responsible for playground supervision, teachers, paraprofessional, principals, out-of-school-time)

  • If on-site training requested, there would be a Participant minimum or 10 and maximum of 50 + possible cost associated.

Training includes discussion and application of playground safety and behavior management, indirect and direct strategies, and site-specific active recess action plans.

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe and demonstrate recess behavior management strategies.

  • Describe and demonstrate both direct and indirect strategies for promoting physical activity at recess.

  • Design a site-specific active recess action plan.

  • Identify appropriate resources for facilitating active recess.

Active Classrooms

Facilitator: Dr. Jenny Linker, Dr. Kristen Ford | SchoolsAlive!
Contact: Keely Ihry |
Email Keely Ihry

  • Grade Level: Elementary Teachers and Administrators | Participant minimum: 10 | Participant maximum: 50 | All attendees receive an Active Classroom Kit with registration.

This course provides an understanding of the importance and benefits of daily school-wide physical activity. Classroom teachers will learn how to research and implement a variety of interdisciplinary classroom physical activities and movement breaks that facilitate improved academic performance, classroom behavior, and student health. Classroom teachers will also build a working knowledge of the national Let’s Move! Active Schools initiative and the classroom teacher’s role in Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs).

Participants will be able to:

  • Describe the importance and benefits of classroom physical activity and both national and local initiatives.

  • Demonstrate effective classroom physical activity strategies and appropriate practices.

  • Implement the Reasoned Action Model to reflect on personal teaching experiences.

Trauma Sensitive Schools

Collaborative Project with Nexus-PATH Family Healing, ND Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI), Central Regional Education Association (CREA)

Facilitator: Trained Individuals within SEEC member schools
Contact: Keely Ihry |
Email Keely Ihry

Childhood trauma has potential to leave a lasting impact on learning and behavior, including overall functioning and well-being. By understanding how trauma impacts students and families, along with adopting a trauma-informed approach, educators can play a crucial role in mitigating both the short and long-term effects of trauma. The interactive Trauma Sensitive Schools professional learning curriculum leaves educators with a renewed commitment to reach some of the most vulnerable students and their families.

  • Module 1: Introduction to childhood trauma

  • Module 2: Neurobiology of Trauma & Resilience

  • Module 3: Trauma-Sensitive Strategies Part 1

  • Module 4: Trauma-Sensitive Strategies Part 2

  • Module 5: Taking Care of You