Health & Wellness Trainings
Active Recess
Facilitator: Dr. Jenny Linker, Dr. Kristen Ford | SchoolsAlive!
Contact: Keely Ihry | Email Keely Ihry
Grade Level: K-12 (Anyone responsible for playground supervision, teachers, paraprofessional, principals, out-of-school-time)
If on-site training requested, there would be a Participant minimum or 10 and maximum of 50 + possible cost associated.
Training includes discussion and application of playground safety and behavior management, indirect and direct strategies, and site-specific active recess action plans.
Participants will be able to:
Describe and demonstrate recess behavior management strategies.
Describe and demonstrate both direct and indirect strategies for promoting physical activity at recess.
Design a site-specific active recess action plan.
Identify appropriate resources for facilitating active recess.
Active Classrooms
Facilitator: Dr. Jenny Linker, Dr. Kristen Ford | SchoolsAlive!
Contact: Keely Ihry | Email Keely Ihry
Grade Level: Elementary Teachers and Administrators | Participant minimum: 10 | Participant maximum: 50 | All attendees receive an Active Classroom Kit with registration.
This course provides an understanding of the importance and benefits of daily school-wide physical activity. Classroom teachers will learn how to research and implement a variety of interdisciplinary classroom physical activities and movement breaks that facilitate improved academic performance, classroom behavior, and student health. Classroom teachers will also build a working knowledge of the national Let’s Move! Active Schools initiative and the classroom teacher’s role in Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs).
Participants will be able to:
Describe the importance and benefits of classroom physical activity and both national and local initiatives.
Demonstrate effective classroom physical activity strategies and appropriate practices.
Implement the Reasoned Action Model to reflect on personal teaching experiences.
Trauma Sensitive Schools
Collaborative Project with Nexus-PATH Family Healing, ND Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI), Central Regional Education Association (CREA)
Facilitator: Trained Individuals within SEEC member schools
Contact: Keely Ihry | Email Keely Ihry
Childhood trauma has potential to leave a lasting impact on learning and behavior, including overall functioning and well-being. By understanding how trauma impacts students and families, along with adopting a trauma-informed approach, educators can play a crucial role in mitigating both the short and long-term effects of trauma. The interactive Trauma Sensitive Schools professional learning curriculum leaves educators with a renewed commitment to reach some of the most vulnerable students and their families.
Module 1: Introduction to childhood trauma
Module 2: Neurobiology of Trauma & Resilience
Module 3: Trauma-Sensitive Strategies Part 1
Module 4: Trauma-Sensitive Strategies Part 2
Module 5: Taking Care of You