Multi-Tiered System of Supports Trainings

Find more information on North Dakota's Multi-Tier Systems of Support on the NDMTSS website.

Building Your System (Phase 1)

Contact: Cheryl Hoggarth | Email Cheryl Hoggarth

This training is the initial step in planning for success for school-based MTSS leadership teams. During the planning phase, teams will focus on developing a shared understanding of the NDMTSS essential components and the infrastructure and support mechanisms necessary to support MTSS implementation. Particular focus is placed on the essential knowledge, resources, and organizational structures necessary to operationalize all components of NDMTSS in a unified system. Professional learning focuses on building staff buy-in, staff capacity, and understanding how to fully implement the five essential MTSS components.

  • Understand the Essential Components of NDMTSS

  • Establish leadership roles & responsibilities

  • Understand the “why” of NDMTSS - Consensus Building

  • Understand the four purposes of assessments

  • Define effective teaching strategies at all tiers

NDMTSS Academics Trainings

Developing Academic Pathways (Phase 1A)

Pre-requisite: Building Your System

Contact: Cheryl Hoggarth | Email Cheryl Hoggarth

This training, intended for a leadership team, is designed utilize the NDMTSS Essential Components to solve problems at the school, classroom, and student level. Emphasis will be given to translating current educational research practice to help schools maximize resources and outcomes for all students. Examples of data systems for universal screening and progress monitoring will be identified, as well as specific interventions and curricula to address problems at a systems level.

  • Identify current gaps in student outcomes based on grade level data

  • Evaluate appropriate pathways for students to increase academic achievement

  • Develop strategies for solving problems at increasingly larger levels

  • Increase awareness of evidence-based interventions and curricula

Evaluating Your System (Phase 2A)

Pre-requisite: Developing Academic Pathways

Contact: Cheryl Hoggarth | Email Cheryl Hoggarth

This training, intended for school lead teams, will focus on innovation of the NDMTSS model with emphasis on data collection & disaggregation, data-driven decision making, and problem solving for student, classroom, and systems levels. Monitoring practices will be developed to determine if the system is having a positive impact on student learning with a strong focus on fidelity and outcome data. Opportunities for collaboration and to observe MTSS in action within the cohort will be organized.

  • Evaluate research-based interventions.

  • Determine effectiveness of Placement Pathways

  • Begin the process for assisting teachers in analyzing data for trends in student growth or stagnancy

  • Complete Self-Assessment for North Dakota (SAND)

Data Support and Coaching (Phase 3A)

Pre-requisite: Building Your System, Developing Academic Pathways, & Evaluating Your System

Contact: Cheryl Hoggarth | Email Cheryl Hoggarth

This multi-day facilitated training series will assist teams in the understanding and application of assessments. Teams will use Universal Benchmark Screening, Diagnostic Screening and Progress Monitoring Data to determine the best instructional match to student needs. At each session, participants will need to have access to their most current Benchmark Assessment to skillfully plan for improved educational outcomes for all students.

NDMTSS Behaviors Trainings

Developing School-Wide Behavior Expectations (Phase 1B)

Pre-requisite: Building Your System

Contact: Brandie Ulland | Email Brandie Ulland

Developing Schoolwide Behavior Expectations training will build a solid foundation of expected behaviors for all staff and students to be taught and practiced for mastery at the Tier 1 or Core level. Upon completion of this multi-day series, schools will have identified gaps in current practice and have an action plan for steps to improve best practices in their building. When implemented with fidelity, schools can anticipate:

  • Common language for all stakeholders

  • Consistency in schoolwide expectations

  • Positive school climate and culture

  • An increase in student achievement attendance and academic achievement

  • Reduction in the need for more intensive supports

A School Leadership Team’s primary focus is to facilitate school-wide implementation of PBIS. Teams can be elementary-based, secondary-based or district level. Recommended team members include cross-disciplinary representatives including principal, general and special education teachers, student support personnel, and/or counselors. This representative group gathers ideas from other stakeholders to ensure that Tier 1 strategies will be relevant, practical, and addresses different cultural backgrounds, and reviews data to identify priorities for implementation. School teams typically have 5-10 team members.


  • Understand PBIS implementation within a multi-tiered system of support

  • Have a global understanding of the core principles of PBIS

  • Understand and identify the 10 critical elements of Tier 1 including developing school-wide expectations and recognizing student success

  • Develop a draft Action Plan for Tier 1 implementation

Developing School-Wide Behavior Expectations: Coaching & Refining (Phase 2B)

Pre-requisite: Developing School-Wide Behavior Expectations

Contact: Brandie Ulland | Email Brandie Ulland

School- or District-Level teams will come together to review their current work within implementation of Tier 1 instruction and supports. This team holds the responsibility for maintaining a responsive Tier 1 system. With the guidance of the trainer, this representative group will gather ideas from all stakeholders to ensure that Tier 1 strategies and supports will be both relevant and practical, and will review data to identify priorities in implementation. The Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) and current action plans will be reviewed and teams will engage in follow-up support sessions based on areas of need to move all teams toward a successful and full implementation prior to engaging in the implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) Tier 2 Interventions and Supports. This training is presented in one in-person day with monthly coaching calls leading up to PBIS Tier 2 training.

Tier 2 Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (Phase 3B)

Pre-requisite: Developing School-Wide Behavior Expectations: Coaching & Refining

Contact: Brandie Ulland | Email Brandie Ulland

Tier 2 supports build on the lessons provided at Tier 1 and may prevent the need for more intensive interventions. Tier 2 supports are provided to small groups of students with similar needs, offering more time and/or detailed instruction on the core curriculum.

*Schools must have a BoQ greater than 70


  • Create a system for supporting Tier 2 including screening, evidence-based interventions, progress monitoring, and evaluation

  • Develop plans and procedures for making Tier 2 supports more effective and easier to manage

  • Access the school’s current Tier 2 procedures and identify areas to streamline, strengthen, or scale-up

Data Days

Contacts: Cheryl Hoggarth | Email Cheryl Hoggarth & Brandie Ulland | Email Brandie Ulland, & Ryan Lyson | Email Ryan Lyson

Growing your reading and/or math data system is an ongoing team process tailored to establishing a school’s protocol for assessing, analyzing, and applying data points throughout the year to inform instruction and intervention. Using their most current benchmark assessments, teams will determine best next steps.

Behavior Advantage Professional Development Series

Contacts: Cheryl Hoggarth | Email Cheryl Hoggarth & Brandie Ulland | Email Brandie Ulland

Designed to build capacity and promote consistency across all staff, this high-quality series of videos and resources provides a foundation for any educator utilizing behavior supports and interventions to support students. A variety of topics are presented to enhance the ability to understand, effectively address, and positively change student behavior.

Training modules, designed and presented by Board Certified Behavior Analysts, are perfect for training new staff, refreshing educator perspectives, and school or classroom teams looking for solutions. Access includes all video modules, applied resources, and activities for the entire school year.