Service Providers

his page serves as a one-stop resource for all the SEEC School-Based Medicaid Consortium service providers. Here you'll find an overview of eligible services within ND schools as well as quick links to information, forms, etc.

If there is something missing that you think could be helpful for all service providers, please reach out to Brooke Tayer at Email Brooke Tayer

Medicaid Eligible Services Within a School Setting

North Dakota gives coverage to qualifying students in a school setting to ALL Medicaid-eligible students whether they have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or not. Schools play that important part in a student's life with pathways to services they may not have received otherwise. Medicaid billing helps support funding for these services that are offered which helps the students succeed in their education and overall health.

IEP Services

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Medical Services Division (ND Medicaid) is responsible for the payment of services for Medicaid-eligible children who receive Medicaid covered health services that are described in the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP), per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

  • ND Medicaid will pay the school for services based on claims submitted by the school. Payment will be based on fee schedules developed by ND Medicaid.

  • Medicaid-covered services must be provided by school personnel who meet ND Medicaid provider qualifications as well as all applicable state licensing standards and are enrolled as ND Medicaid providers. Personnel can be either an employee of or contracted through the school; however, all claims must be submitted by the school.

For more information on Fee Schedules and/or Medicaid Policy, please utilize the following links: