Occupational & Physical Therapy

Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists in the educational setting focus specifically on assisting students in accessing and participating in their education. OTs and PTs use a variety of activities to help students develop skills, use compensatory strategies, and modify the equipment and/or the environment. Collaboration and education of school personnel is also done to best meet the needs of the students. Below are examples of the activities/areas therapists can assist with in the educational setting.

South Valley Special Education Unit - Rural Cass Special Education Unit

ND School-Based OT & PT Conference

Sept. 12-13, 2024 | Fargo | Registration Coming Soon

Click here for information on keynote speakers, breakout sessions, the schedule, credit, and more!

Occupational Therapy

Participation in the Classroom

  • Prerequisite skills for handwriting and cutting tasks (arm and core strength, visual motor skills, finger dexterity, etc.)

  • Transitions (from one task to the next)

  • Accommodations to assist with skills needed for academic success (sensory processing, attention, emotional regulation)

Mobility in School

  • Safety

  • Following routines

  • Carrying suppliers (lunch tray, backpack, books, etc.)

Daily Routine Skills

  • Putting on and off outdoor gear (boots, coat, etc.)

  • Fasteners

  • Restroom hygiene

  • Lunch and snack (eating with utensils and opening containers)

Life Skills

  • Social Skills

  • Job participation

  • Community interaction

Physical Therapy

Participation in the Classroom

  • Sitting at a desk or in a chair

  • Transfers (sitting to stand, chair to floor, etc.)

  • Balance (sitting, standing, reaching, etc.)

Mobility in School

  • Transitions

  • Safety

  • Stairs, managing doors, wheelchair mobility

  • Endurance and balance

Daily Routine and Life Skills

  • Balance and coordination

  • Accessing and maneuvering in lunch room

  • Accessing and maneuvering on school bus

  • Community mobility

  • Job participation

Playground and Physical Education Skills

  • Accessing playground equipment

  • Walking, running, jumping, skipping, hopping

  • Ball skills